Monday 20 July 2009

Before and After

Our life is about to change irreversibly and irrevocably!

Being married for slightly more than 2 years and at the edge of turning 35 within less than a year's time, it was something we were planning and looking forward to. However, maybe it was me who started to think we would not be among the 66% of people who has a baby within the first three months; I was kind of getting worried about not being able to have a baby for some time. Despite all the positive health checks for both of us, no failed trials, I've started to grow a weird feeling that there was something wrong with us.
Now with all the excitement and joy of pregnancy, I presume those feelings were there just to prevent severe frustration in case of failure. Although I call it failure, I do not call the opposite as "success". Unfortunately, there is not so much you can do to call it a success except the healthy diet and trying for it at the right times obviously!
I'm not hit by all the pregnancy symptoms yet so still not resenting what we have done:p

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