Saturday 11 July 2009

surprise surprise

Two weeks ago, as a very keen blogger-to-be, I started my very first blog "Didem in Wonderland". Enthusiastic to write the first piece, I realised that I needed to find an attractive title for my blog.

Being married to a software engineer (I think this is just one dimension to the things he does, but it is safer for me to use this title within my limited computer science intelligency!), among the hard core science books, there are some popular books such as "Blogging Heroes" which I had once turned some pages. Although not intended to do something professional, I just wanted to have a title reflecting the concept of the blog and me. The difficult part was that there was no specific concept!!

After spending about almost an hour (not just simple thinking, people have been blogging for so long and more generic ones were not available), I ended up with "Didem in Wonderland". It's not that my life is all exciting and wonderful, but there are things I want to share and want to draw attention and it gives you some kind of hope that there really could be nice and interesting instances in your life.

I remember last time when I started writing, I thought about my friends' blogs, what they were writing about. They are mostly about themselves and their babies!! Having no babies at all, I was a little bit worried if I would ever have the chance of blogging about my little one.

To my worry, as if I just created this blog, something miraculous happened: I realised that I was expecting a baby!

All of a sudden I found myself in brand new feelings mostly wonderful, so I'm pretty pleased with my blog's title and where it's taking me so far:)

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