During the last weeks, we had our antenatal classes (once a week for 5 weeks). It was good to be among people who were going through similar circumstances. We had two lovely midwifes who responded to our silly questions with patience. Although you continuously read about what to expect, it's much more satisfying when somebody who has been part of the system tells about it. The most exciting and informative class was with the hospital tour. If everything goes according to the plan, I'll be delivering my baby at Glasgow Southern General Hospital. The labour ward was built recently and has brand new delivery rooms with up-to-date equipment. It looked well organised, clean and fresh. Considering that labour can last more than 24 hours (first and second stages), it's a relief to know that you will have some space (I'm not sure if you'd be really aware of it during the contractions though!!). I'll soon be adding some hospital pictures taken by my hubby.
In the mean time, we are almost finished with the baby shopping. Thanks God! I'll be telling all about my shopping experience under a separate topic. Boring for people who do not need to do it but quite useful for new beginners:)
These last weeks have also been the most progressive ones for the bump. Gaining at least 250gr s each week, it's become even difficult to turn from one side to the other in bed.
It's not difficult to identify me in the office as well. In addition to my occasional loud sneezes, now I have deep sighs after long hours of sitting. Not long to go, only a week is left before I start my maternity leave. Not long just a couple of months ago, I thought that I could have worked until the delivery day if only I did not have to drive from Glasgow to Edinburgh. But now I'm counting the days. I definitely prefer to spend more time lying down (not necessarrily sleeping), it's not that I don't enjoy work.
1) By the end of an antenatal class
2) Hospital Tour: Delivery room with a Birthing Pool
3) Hospital Tour: Delivery room
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